
mel•an•choly noun, adj. noun [U] (formal) a deep feeling of sadness that lasts for a long time and often cannot be explained: A mood of melancholy descended on us. There is a brooding melancholy in his black and white photography. adj. very sad or making you feel sadness SYN mournful, sombre: melancholy thoughts / memories. The melancholy song died away.

Melancholy is one of the things in life that I don't really understand.

It's a sadness without a cause.

Just because it comes without a cause, it's the most private kind of all sorrow. You simply have no clue what is going on, you don't know how to talk to people about that, sometimes, you don't even want to talk about it.

It just comes and goes. At times, it never leaves.

It seems that ECT was the only effective medical treatment for melancholy. But then, tying myself to the operation chair with
two electrodes stuck to my head, and having electric shocks sent in, sounds awkward to me. I don't know if I would become more depressed or what.

Most importantly, I don't know how pathological melancholy is.

Melancholy chooses you.


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